When I was in high school I aspired to be a jock. The allure of receiving instant credibility from my peers for my accomplishments in my sporting endeavors or impressive feats...
The months of July and August pose some interesting fly fishing strategies for the salty longrodder in the suds. During these months we will see limited action during the day as...
The term deer hair when used in fly-fishing is usually associated with all types of hollow hair. This can pose a problem for the many fly tiers who assume that all...
The following is a two part article titled 'The Advantages of Speycasting and Speyfishing'. Part 1 will cover two topics: The Advantages and the question: What is 'True Speycasting & Speyfishing?' Part 2...
Now that the cooler months are upon us most people are spending their days preparing for the holiday season. Weather it is a trip to the farm to enjoy the fresh...
The increasing amounts of daylight and rising temperatures have already begun to initiate springs rebirth at the Jersey Shore. Every angler is eagerly anticipating taking that first cast and hooking into...