I'm new to fly fishing and want to buy a rod and reel. What important things should I keep in mind?
Fly rods are rated by number: the higher the number the...
That magic time of year is just around the corner for the New Jersey salty longrodder and for most of us it couldn't get here soon enough. The "summer doldrums" which...
The springtime along the New Jersey Coast is one of the most exciting times of year for the fly fisher as striped bass, bluefish, and weakfish re-enter our local waters. In...
When I was in high school I aspired to be a jock. The allure of receiving instant credibility from my peers for my accomplishments in my sporting endeavors or impressive feats...
The months of July and August pose some interesting fly fishing strategies for the salty longrodder in the suds. During these months we will see limited action during the day as...
The term deer hair when used in fly-fishing is usually associated with all types of hollow hair. This can pose a problem for the many fly tiers who assume that all...